Thursday, February 22, 2018

52 Ancestors, 52 Weeks Week 8


This week it is 'Heirloom.' I do not have any heirloom of great monetary value, but each and every one is priceless to me. Before the transplant I gave my brother a chest and my sister a couple of quilts that were from grandparents. But I have quite a few things that are close to my heart. I couldn't pick just one. That is too much to ask.

This little quilt is a doll quilt my maternal grandmother made for me when I was very little. I treasured it then and still do. I inherited a couple of quilts from her when she died. I also have her tatting shuttle, and her crochet needles. She taught me how to sew and crochet. I have a few things that belonged to my great-grandmother.

I have a bible that was my paternal grandmother's which she wrote every thing that happened to all of us in. She tucked photos and notes in. I've blogged the story of this bible before. It is very special to me. I also have a few of her quilts. [Bizzie's Quilts]

I have the fountain pen my maternal grandfather took care of business at his desk with. I used to watch him as a little girl. I had never seen such a pen at home, and was fascinated by it. [Grandpa's Pen]

I have many small items, but they have little monetary value. The things that I have given away, were given to people I knew would treasure them too.

#52ancestors #heirloom

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