Monday, June 10, 2024

Trials and Tribulations

 I don't use RootsMagic 9 for much of anything, but I bought it and I keep thinking I might find something useful about it.

I had an error problem in RM9 some time back. I went to the user group and posted it. I was given help to fix the problem. It did go away. At least until I closed it and went to bed. Next day, same error. I spent days reading everything I could find about the error as I had time. Must have spent a few hours over all. One guy had said remove the program and download a new copy. So I tried that. I wiped it off my computer. Cleaned it off completely. Downloaded a new one and added my GedCom.  Photo below shows what it looked like shiny and new.

Right. The little photos are gone. There are photos in Media. When you click on the person, and go to their Media, you can see them. They just don't show on the Person or Pedigree. After at least an hour of reading and trying to get them back, I quit. The RootsMagic Help seems to be talking about a different program.  It is not talking about the one I have.

So, I don't know if the error would come back or not, since I did not add anything to anyone, and have no plans to do so. 

I don't think I can take RootsMagic serious at all anymore. I am old. I don't have time for this. Good thing I have been working in my newest app. It had a learning curve. Everything is right where you expect it to be. I spent less time learning it than I spent looking for answers to fix the problems in RM9.  Also, I've almost gotten all my digital files organized nicely. I'm down to transcribing obits and articles. Feels good.

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