Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 I've always kept Legacy on my computer. I like it for some things, for others not so much. But, I did buy the full program when 9 came out. Now it has upgraded to Legacy10, It's FREE! I could not believe it. I thought it had to be a trial or just part of the program, but no. It is the full program! It is also great. I think I know the 2 programs I will be working in now.      

Legacy10 sent me an exciting "Tip 1". You can turn on relationships. Just like that! You can see below how they display. It also lists my brother's wife as "sister-in-law".  It also will list "Stepfather" and "Stepbrother". None of the others do that. Perfect.

Family Historian is the program I am using now, and I am very pleased with it. In it, relationships are just part of the work. You will see them in the Individual Record list. Didn't have to set it up, it was just there. How good is that?! It lists my brother's wife at just that, brother's wife. Very good.

RootsMagic 7-Click Tools, then click Relationship Calculator, click to find the person1, then click to add Person2, click Calculate.  You will see the relationship between the two. It will only list blood relatives, blank for in-laws.

RootsMagic 9- It would seem that RM9 is actually set up to be a scavenger hunt, you know what you want, now go see if you can find it.  I couldn't find it so it took me at least an hour of reading the "not so helpful Help" and user groups. Finally found it, may never be able to find it again. Pull up Relationship Calculator, click to find the person1, then click to add Person2, click Calculate.  You will see the relationship between the two. It will only list blood relatives, blank for in-laws. Same old.

Click - click - click - click - click - click - click. . . sorry. I'm being a jerk but it feels right. I'm old. I don't want complications. I hate scavenger hunts. They give me a headache. Get off my lawn. I just want to work.

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