Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Treasure From 1913


I found it! The one photo I had not been able to scan in all these years. It had been on my mothers wall for so long. I kept telling her that I needed to scan it, and she would reply that she'd take it down one of these days for me to scan. That day never came. In the many boxes that wore packed up after the death of my step-father, I had no idea which one it was in. My sister brought me another box to go through yesterday. When I opened the box, there it was on top. I cried. And then I released it from its prison and immediately squashed it in the scanner! Oh, I did dust it first. It was really dusty.  

 This photo was taken in 1913. I believe it was taken at the door of the train station. Everyone traveled by train at the time. In first grade my class went on a field trip riding the train. Anyway, starting on the left is Merrill Harris Alexander, age 4, the middle girl is Gladys Faye Alexander, age 6, and the tall girl is my grandmother, Della Mae Alexander, age 9. I just want to hug Grandma, her little face is so serious. The blond bookends were pure Alexander, Gladys is all Martin. They were a dark headed bunch, and it all went to Gladys. Grandma Mom, Olive Martin Alexander, was a very exacting woman. The girls show it. I do believe she finally met her match in Merrill. He was her first boy. His knickerbockers were crooked, and his little traveling coat, well, I bet it was a fight to get his picture taken with his coat belt that way, his way probably. The belt was supposed to fit below his waist but not quite so low or bunchy. His smile might be triumph. Little rebel! The girls, of course, are perfect.
This photo is not only special because my grandma is in it, but also because this is the first photo I have of Gladys as a child. I only have one of her and it is a really bad photo of her as an adult. She married and moved to California long before I was born. I never met Merrill either as he died at age 22 of appendicitis. 
Just me rambling on about one of my treasures.