Monday, February 17, 2025

Let's Go On A Journey

 I'm time-traveling through another box of treasures! This time it's a fun journey.

In the summer of 1959 I was 5, and my brother was almost 3. The two of us and my Mother boarded a bus and headed for California. It was 3 days and 3 nights on that thing, with the exception of the bus breaking down in the desert, which I believe was in New Mexico, as there was a bunch of post cards my mother had bought there, and it is the only place she bought anything on the journey there and back.

We were going visiting to my mom's oldest sister, Louise Jaynes Pearson.They lived in San Bernardino. But, I believe we visited my grandaunt, Gladys Alexander Taylor in Los Angeles as well.  We went to Disneyland and the ocean and the cousins were nowhere to be seen, so I am pretty sure we were in LA at that time.

We went to Disneyland!!!! It had opened in 1955.

 The above book had an insert.


She even kept the ticket stub. This is the front.

 This is the back. Look at that price. Can you even park for that now?!


I learned many things during my visit. Playing with my cousins in their yard I learned not to go barefoot as walking in the grass was painful, hot, dry, sharp grass crunching loudly. There were ants that bite and it hurt! I was born a water-baby so we visited the ocean. The water, even to a child was dirty and as warm as bath water. The sand was too hot to walk on barefooted. I didn't like anything California but Disneyland and I missed my Dad terribly.  

For Your Information: There is a commercial that says, because of her use of excessive exclamation points, they had changed something. First time I heard it I told my daughter that was me. Not speaking face to face, it's hard to show excitement. So if I use excessive exclamation points you will know I am excited!!!


1 comment:

Karen Packard Rhodes said...

How exciting to have gone to Disneyland so early, right after it opened. I'm the only one in my family to have visited both Disneyland and Walt Disney World. I visited relatives in California in 1962, and my brother's in-laws took me to Disneyland. These days, I live just 2.5 hours from Disney World. Our younger daughter is a big Disney fan, having visited Walt Disney World many times. Might have something to do with her having been born on Walt Disney's birthday! Disney World is huge -- the entirety of Disneyland could be plunked down in one of Disney World's parking lots!