Thursday, January 30, 2025

My Dad Was a Water Witch

 My Dad was a dowser, a water witch. People would be waiting for us to come to visit the family so he could find them a new well. Dad was born in Alabama. He and his family moved North when he was a teenager. Most of his family are still in Alabama. So anyway, he would go off and find water. I remember running along behind him sometimes, watching. I was fascinated. My Mother, on the other hand, tried to hide it from everyone 'back home'.

Dad would just find a forked branch and cut it when he got to the place. Then he would walk the place. Well, I won't go on as it could get quite long. It took a long time, as he would continue to walk in a north/south and east/west directions.  He liked being right, and he liked going up against technology to prove it!  The last time I know of him going witching was in the mid 1980's.  He was finding his own new well. They had pretty good tech then and he bragged that he was less than an inch from the what the tech said! 

The 'fixed' photo!

The first part of January I posted on Bluesky that I wanted to know if anyone knew someone that could fix a photo for me. I got a nice response!

The photo had lain in the bottom of a box. I didn't know there was one in existence. It is not a great photo and it was scratched bad. My post on Bluesky was answered by a Dr. Christophe (  I am so happy that he was able to make the photo clearer. Well worth the money!

Rufus Lee Brock, Jr.
1931 - 2006


1 comment:

Marian B. Wood said...

Never knew a dowser, so I was intrigued by your father's abilities!