Monday, May 7, 2018

What's Going on Right Now?

For starters, the photo to the left, is of an orchid my mother has grown. She had never raised one before. My sister gave her a little stick of an orchid and this is what happened. Apparently, orchids love my mother! It's a beautiful flower. She has a green thumb, and can grow anything. It's official now.

One very exciting new thing, at least for me, is the formation of the Virtual Genealogical Society, or VGS. It is for people that are unable to get to meetings and conferences. Perfect! This kind of thing has been needed for a long time. Very happy to see it come into being. At $20.00 per year, it is very affordable. The line up of presenters is amazing. How can you turn down such an opportunity? Well, I couldn't. I love being able to participate finally! Here is the website: and they are on Twitter. (@VirGenSoc) There is a facebook page that is for members only.

Just had computer trouble this past week, though not on my laptop, which is the one I use most. An update to Windows 10 took out my desktop.  It actually kept saying to install Windows. I was unable to get it into safe mode or get it to recognize the DVD drive to try to reinstall. I finally was able to get it into the "fix" mode by forcing it (doing something you are not supposed to do). It worked. I have reinstalled back to factory default. That means it has been wiped clean. I had trouble with the last 3 updates on that computer. I wonder if it was having some other type of problem. Hopefully that is over now. This is a lesson for everyone. Backup, backup, backup, and then, backup. Nothing lost. This is a lesson I learned back at the dawn of time, and I learned it the hard way. Of course, back then I just had to start over entering from my paper files.  I would not want to do that again. I shudder when people say they don't keep paper. I will stay 'old school', thanks.:)

I accidentally found a source, another Revolutionary War veteran, and one generation back, that I did not know. I have placed my David Janes where he belongs. So I found great treasure, and I'm so excited. I have run onto things quite often by accident, sometimes after searching for years without success. Amazing.

#virgensoc #genealogy #familyhistory

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