Thursday, April 26, 2018

It's My 10th Blogoversary!

I've had this blog for 10 years now. A decade of blogging. It's hard to believe that much time has passed. It goes by so fast. Until just recently, I was not a regular blogger, and I was off for a couple of years due to illness.

I've been blogging more since this year started, in hopes of getting the stories and facts out there. So, I joined the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks that Amy Johnson Crow has lead for several years. It is helping me to put together my ancestors stories, and make sure my file is sourced well, though I did give up on the prompts some time ago. But I am enjoying it more and more every week.

I started the Thomas MacEntee "Genealogy Do-Over" last year, and I now have a nice clean file, well sourced and neatly organized. I had started on paper, about 1975 and pre-computer, so my files were really a mess. Starting over was good for my file, and good for me. I was able to put into action what I had learned over the many years of researching. I'm a better researcher now and my work shows it. I also got to use the organizational tips I have collected over time. My paper files are in better shape, and organized the way I only wished they were for so many years.

The one thing that is disappointing, is that readership of blogs is down and comments only happen once in a blue moon. It is hard to communicate through a blog. Most of the communication happens now on Facebook. I have come to have a hate/hate thing going for Facebook. Their business practices and the troublemakers really give it a bad name now-a-days. After all, we are the product Facebook sells. I had always known that, but it hadn't been so well defined until the Cambridge Analytica incident. I've joined MeWe, and I'm feeling my way around there. I like their TOS but it has it's drawbacks, too. Over a certain level, is it not free. So we'll see where that goes. That may be what privacy demands.

I have gotten a subscription to Ancestry this year in hopes of making contacts there. I had not had a sub to Ancestry since about 2000, maybe. It has changed a lot in those years.

Of late, there has been a conversation about historian versus genealogist. This reminded me of the old argument about who was really a genealogist some years back. That one colored my view of genealogy for quite a while, and I felt that it had taken away the passion I had once had. I have tried to follow only those who are researching their family, not trying to make a business of it. Though I do have my favorites that I won't give up, such as Lisa Louise Cook, Thomas MacEntee, George Morgan, Drew Smith and Dear Myrtle. I try to learn and keep up with the community. Now, the new battle is with historians. My comment to them all is, perhaps Family Historian covers it best, in the end. I am a genealogist with a side of historian, attempting to discover all of the people that went into my creation, and get their stories told as best as I can. I really don't need a title.

All in all, I am feeling very optimistic about the future of my family history. I wonder how things will change in the next 10 years? I'm excited about it! Hope you are too.

Amy Johnson Crow - 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

Lisa Louise Cook 
Genealogy Gems

Dear Myrtle

George Morgan and Drew Smith
The Genealogy Guys
plus: (a favorite book)
Organize Your Genealogy: Strategies and Solutions for Every Researcher 
by Drew Smith

Thomas MacEntee Of High-Definition Genealogy
and: (also on FaceBook)
The Genealogy Do-Over Workbook
by Thomas MacEntee

MeWe - The Next-Gen Social Network