Thursday, April 26, 2012


I had forgotten that today was my blogoversary.  Time really flies when you are busy. There has been much to keep me from my blogging this last year, and I really need to get back to it.  I have been noting titles for posts as I would find something I wanted to say.  I'd better spend the rest of the year getting back into it and getting those posts written. 

I thank all of you for stopping by and wishing me Happy Blogoversary!  Geneabloggers, thanks for not forgetting me!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Start at Wikitree

I've been working slowly over at Wikitree.  Love those widgets!

embeddable family tree updated live from WikiTree

From TwigTalk

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Evernote Day

Every Yule time I give me, and my daughter, Shani, a gift of something that we really want.  This year it was better internet. So you can imagine all the fun I've had of late, going where I have never been before!  This switch to the 21st century was just in time to enjoy the video feed from RootsTech.  I had a wonderful time!  I believe that all things happen just when they are supposed to.  Needless to say, right now I am a happy camper.

Today was one of those serendipitous days that are rare indeed.  I had time, I had my first cup of tea and Genealogy Circle posted a link on Facebook to an Explorinar called "Evernote - Easy Note Taking UPDATED" by Thomas MacEntee of High-Definition Genealogy and the great GeneaBloggers leader!  I had an Evernote account for some time but no time to learn how to use it.  I opened it and found it a real mystery.  So I had to put it aside until I could find the time to figure it out. 

How is that serendipitous you ask?  Well, there I was with time, a teacher and a wonderfully hot cup of tea. I not only learned how to use Evernote, but I was able to set it up in my Google Reader, which I would never have known I could, and have the web clipper in my browser. The biggest plus is that I know how to use it.  Thomas was very clear and made it easy to understand. 

A big thanks out to Thomas!  I enjoyed it very much and I learned something new.