Thursday, April 26, 2012


I had forgotten that today was my blogoversary.  Time really flies when you are busy. There has been much to keep me from my blogging this last year, and I really need to get back to it.  I have been noting titles for posts as I would find something I wanted to say.  I'd better spend the rest of the year getting back into it and getting those posts written. 

I thank all of you for stopping by and wishing me Happy Blogoversary!  Geneabloggers, thanks for not forgetting me!!


  1. Hi Sheri...I've been researching not only my family, but my husbands as well and only recently found anything out about my husband's grandfather Walter William Alexander. Which of course led me to your family....Quite a bit of information and wonderful since my husbands family knew relatively nothing of their grfather or fathers family...I may have to look deeper soon, but for now you've given me quite a lot to share...Thanks!!!!
    Cindy Alexander...I've caught this geneology bug sooooo bad!
