Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Goes On In The Head Of A Blond? I Have Proof!

Going through the box of things that are not photos, but will be used in my scrapbooking, I ran across this x-ray.  At the time it was very important.  My daughter was born with a birth defect and we spent a lot of time at Riley Children's Hospital in Indy.  They always worked hard to make kids ok with a hospital stay.  We've been through magicians, clowns and one birthday party (very lucky only one was spent there).  We were there for the Pan Am games and a visit from the Disney people.  At the time it didn't seem so important, but looking back it takes on a new identity.  It was fun in the middle of pain.

Over the years we met many children that are no longer, many wonderful families and a hospital that treats the whole child and family as one.   And that is a good thing.

Well, in July of 1987 we had to make a middle of the night run to the ER at Riley.  All I remember is how tired we were and how scared.  She needed an x-ray so we headed for the dungeon and what did we find?  Emptiness.  Quiet.  Very unusual, I can tell you.  Shani had her Cabbage Patch with her as always.  It was blond and female but I can't remember it's name.  After my daughters x-ray, the X-ray tech said the doll needed one too.  We found out what goes on in a blond's head.  It's official, and I have proof.

Family History is not all serious business........

P.S. Don't tell anyone I was blond and so was my daughter.......Shhhhhhh


  1. Lmao Love your title hysterical.
    While it was an interesting time there I hope to never have to do that again. eek. I still can't believe the tech offered to take an xray of my cabbage patch doll.

  2. It also does make you sad too.
    For the families of those kids we met.

  3. Hey Sheri , er I mean Twigs- It's me Sheri LOL

    You gave away us blondes secret!!!


    Great post!

  4. Absolutely brilliant! And you were so lucky to have such a wonderful X-ray tech.

  5. Damned, you revealed all the unknown secrets. :p Great technology there, too.
