Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Being the mother of a handicapped child is both challenging and rewarding; sometimes terrifying, but mostly terribly joyful. My youngest daughter turned 30 today. Unbelievable to me. Where did the time go? The truth is she has made me better, made me stronger and more than anything else she's shown me that giving up is simply not an option to be entertained seriously. Everything is harder for her. Learning required double the effort, dealing in a world built for giants and viewed from a chair had to be frustrating and the patience to continue when everyone else had passed you up should have added up to an intolerable life. But, she has never complained or whined. She has not only accepted the challenges presented to her but overcame them all. She has shown me the joy in all things. My life is blessed by her presence in it. I am so proud of her, and I love her very much.
Happy Birthday, Shani!


  1. Happy Birthday to Shani!

    (I don't know if you knew this, Sheri, but my "real" job is staff support for a special education classroom at the junior high level. This coming school year will be my ninth year working in the school district. I also worked with special needs adults for several years prior to that. I think I have the best job in the world!)

  2. Happy Birthday, Shani!

    Sheri you are so lucky to have Shani for a daughter. And Shani, I'm very fond of your Mom too!

