Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day Thirteen - Hovis Treasure

I have had very little time today for play:o) I've actually got several projects that I have been juggling. Plus life, of course. Now I need to start to finish up several of the projects. I missed blogging yesterday completely. Now I am down to the wire. I have to write a bio on an ancestor and create a list of where my files are. That one is the easy one. I have that about done. So really I could finish up sometime tomorrow evening. I haven't applied to host a carnival. I won't be doing that particular task. I have only entered 2 just recently and I wouldn't know how to host, what would be the requirements, etc. so I will not complete that one. Perhaps next time when I have more experience with everything 'social'. I have gotten a lot of invitations on facebook to participate in activities and I don't know how I will find the time for all. I am probably going to pick the ones I feel more confident about and not participate in the others. It's all very exciting though.

I've had a very lucky week. I made a contact in my Hovis line. A contact with photos! You can't get more lucky. I pulled the Hovis file and found so many sources I had not entered so I have been working on that when a moment is free. Going through the notes, checking my to do's. That is so exciting! It had been going nowhere for quite a while.

So my tally has changed a little. It isn't changing my scores.

1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!
72 (so far)

3. Organize Your Research!
A. 26
B. 36
C. 21
D. 32
E. 21

4. Write, Write, Write!
A. Done. (
B. Done. ( -runs.html) for COG
C. Done. I have pre-published 2. ( why-and-what-of-twigtalk.html) (

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