Monday, June 23, 2008

"Going Green"

Some habits are really hard to break. How you work, for instance. I did not have access to a computer for my early research days, and I still work first on paper. So I've decided I'm 'going green'! Try to break the habit of so much paper. It is a much longer process for me to get to the computer stage. Slows down the process. Going completely digital will cut out a step and allow all the files to be kept in one place. I've tried before and slid back into the old habits. But now is different. I'm eco-conscious, I'm saving trees. Never mind the fact that I am out of space and tired of paper and organizing and searching. . . . . So, I am going to really do it this time. I've been digitizing my photographs and documents for as long as I have had access to a scanner. I thought of it as a safety issue, having it on the computer/disk would make it hard to lose anything. Now I have to think of it as my main library/file and organize to reflect that.

What about tools? What is really necessary? I have a scanner/copier/printer. Ok, so I'm not going to mention the copier/printer part. I have OpenOffice. Now on the family tree program, I am working to break my FTM habit. The last few times I upgraded were not happy experiences. I gave up with the 2005 version. I am going to Legacy. I have the new free Legacy 7 already on my computer. Right now Legacy 6 is working for me. (I will buy 7 later.) FTM was my first and that is what you tend to stick with. I've heard nothing but bad about the newer version and have had so much trouble with upgrades over the years that I have finally quit. I have all my photos/documents already filed on my computer. Is that all that's needed? Well I need what my grandmother called 'gumption'. I believe that meant the 'want to', and I want to!

I've made a lot of changes lately. To be more social is what drove the creation of my blogs. Learning the new social tools for connections. Joining in more instead of passing up the opportunity to speak and meet new people. I do have foot-in-mouth disease so I try to give it thought before I speak [AKA: mouth working before the brain is in gear] :o) Research has become more interesting on more than one level. I am always collecting tips for myself and
my users at the county site. I am a blog-a-holic, and I make my 'blog rounds' first thing in the day to get my fix.

So, here we go.............. I just hope the old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is wrong.

1 comment:

  1. As Kermit would say, "It's not easy being green."

    I thought of this article when I wrote mine on "Labeling," because as a last resort to changing software I suggested printing something out. Ouch!

    Right now, I'm as green as I think I can be, and isn't saving old photos green?

