Thursday, June 11, 2020

A Sort Of Rant.

There must be a better way to communicate. Particularly in the genealogy community. It's been a long time since I've had a really good genealogy discussion.

I have a hard time enjoying Facebook anymore. I dislike the politics and ethics of the founder. I dislike the trolling. A lot of people in the genealogy community have said it has helped them enormously, but I haven't found it to be so. By the time I have read through my timeline I am tense. There is a new facebook-like community called LIKER. ( It seems to be politics. I did not find any genealogy mentioned, but there were other categories. You have to sign up to see them, I did not. It bills itself as a liberal social media. We need conversation between everyone, all thoughts and beliefs. Right now that is impossible. Makes me think of something I heard many years ago, I don't know where, but it jumped into my mind. What is the sound of one hand clapping? That's what a conservative network or a liberal network would be. One hand clapping.That's where we are.

Then there is MEWE, which I tried. ( Didn't work out and we broke up. Maybe it has changed now, since that was a long time ago. It was pretty quiet, but it promises not to sell you to the highest bidder. At a certain point you have to pay, only so much free space. The only invites to me, were from men wanting to meet women. Yeah, I'm Debbie Downer, not interested.

I want to find genealogy discussions that are going on without joining a million groups to cover everything. I want my interests separate, not all jumbled together. I do more than one thing. I don't want to support the FB guy. I want a certain amount of privacy. I continue to get recommendations to friend people I follow on Instagram. NO. I have two sign-ins that are different, one for FB and one for Instagram. I have not connected them in any way. How did he even know? I don't know what to do about that, but I want to stop it.

I want too much. I know. It is a sad state of affairs.

I want 2020 to be over.