Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summertime Update

A lot has changed in the last 6 months.  One thing is that I have retired from the GenWeb.  I have limited time and energy to spend now.  I have been working on my own genealogy lately.  I had let it fall by the wayside, spending almost all my free time in volunteer projects.  I still want to volunteer but need to work on my tree for a while.  I suppose this is the only change that matters here.  I need to match my time and energy to the project I choose.  

I have been working on catching up with citations of the sources I have.   I don't know that I will ever have that job done. 

Lately I have met a group of Brock researchers and have a cousin that has had his DNA done.  I know a lot more than I did about this family, and I am having to rethink the line.  I believe early mistakes were made.  I have been forced to wonder if all the data online from my line is based on a wrong person.  It needs a lot more work.  Lucky for me, this sounds fun.  

I'm giving some thought to joining GenealogyWise.  I don't want to over-join.  I have cut out the things I was not using and am considering how to use the ones I have kept more effectively.

All in all it seems to be turning into the year of change.  I got pushed into changing in the beginning.  Now it is becoming so much more than just physical changes.